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Ronjini Joshua

Ronjini Joshua's Articles

19 Posts
Ronjini Joshua
The State of Tech

This is a challenging time for startups where funding is scarce and investors are looking for quick-to-market revenue opportunities. The 2024 "State of Tech" white paper provides an in-depth analysis of the latest trends, data, and insights driving the global technology industry. In this report, you can gain

Shokz (formerly Aftershokz)

Launching innovation and the future of fitness audio.


Announcing the world's most high-precision drone system.


Reframing the narrative with reputation management and leadership.


Taking Internet speed into a new year!

Building brand reputation for acquisition.

Ep.107 : Media Relations Common Sense

An essential podcast for anyone that plans on working with a PR agency or trying to understand the media.

Ep.103 : B2B CRM Best Practices

Lead gen specialist and certified LinkedIn expert, JP Van Dyke, tells us best practices in managing your CRM process when messaging new prospects.

Ep.159 : Interview w/ Startup Cooler Keg: From Concept to Crowdfunding Triumph.

We unravel the remarkable story of Cooler Keg with CEO/Anthony Bernas, from concept to crowdfunding triumph.

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